Dental Insurance

Dental Insurance Plans

Insurance plans are commonly combined with vision insurance and in some cases hearing insurance too. Your dental coverage ensures that you and your family have access to preventive care for your teeth. 

The most common type of plans are dental PPO plan.

Benefits of


There are many benefits that result from carrying insurance. You and your family’s dental health are essential to your overall healthcare. Some benefits include: 

  • Lowering your out-of-pocket costs and copays for non-preventative care
  • Low-to-no-cost preventive care
  • Increased overall health benefits that result from having good oral health

Speak to an Agent

Our agents can give you more information on many different options for health, dental, vision, and hearing insurance plans.

Insurance Companies

That provide dental insurance

A company that specializes in insurance for dentistry is the best bet for quality dental coverage. Health insurance companies typically do not offer dental benefits with their health plants but as a separate rider policy.

Frequently Asked Questions About

DEntal care

Q: What’s the difference between dental insurance and a dental insurance plan?

A: Dental Plan options are often called dental insurance or a dental insurance plan. While they may sound different they are actually the same.

Q: Will orthodontics be covered ?

A: Orthodontics procedures and services are not commonly covered. If you submit a claim form for orthodontics you may receive partial assistance, but it is not likely.

Q: Do dental plans require pre-authorization?

A: Some dental insurance plans do require pre-authorization, while others do not

Q: Is there a waiting period on my dental insurance policy?

A: Waiting periods usually apply shortly after enrollment. This is the time between your first insurance payment and the time you can claim your dental benefits at your dentist.

Q: What is the annual cost for dental coverage?

A: Plan cost will vary depending on the deductible and the dental benefits and exclusions determined by the plan. Network dentists (providers who accept your insurance) are typically less expensive than out-of-network providers.

Q: What major services are covered by my plan?

A: Every dental plan will be different, but most plans cover a healthy portion of your preventative services, including semi-annual cleanings.

Fillings and x-rays are typically partially covered by your insurance with the remaining cost covered by you out of pocket.
Extensive dental procedures such as root canals are sometimes covered, sometimes not. Other dental services such as dentures will vary based on your benefits plan. Costs also vary greatly based on your provider network.

Talk to an agent today to help determine your coverage options.

Speak to an Agent

Our agents can give you more information on many different options for health, dental, vision, and hearing insurance plans.

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